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Looking to sell?

Let us sort it.

If you have a business making between $1,000 and $150,000 a year and want to sell, we will manage it all for you. No hassle, stress, or risk - just a quick and easy process.

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Buyer Newsletter

Hey founders and business owners - we work directly with our network of buyers and marketplaces to make sure your business goes into the right hands. We take care of selling all types of businesses for entrepreneurs, including e-commerce stores, SaaS platforms, content websites, and mobile applications.

We focus on businesses generating between $1,000 and $150,000 annually, providing a valuable service for those looking to exit.

Detailed Listings

When we list your business on a marketplace, we build detailed and professional listings to make sure that the highest quality of buyers are attracted.

We Handle Payments

We handle the entire payment and negotiation process, working with the best escrow services, ensuring that you do not have to worry about the transaction.

Fully Managed

We manage the entire process from listing to payment. We speak to potential buyers, get the best possible price for your business, and handle the transfers.

12% Success Fee

We only charge a 12% fee on the final sale price - a very competitive rate compared with other brokers. We only take a fee if you sell your business.

If you are looking to exit your business, you can submit the form below and we will get back to you within a few hours. Want to set up a call instead? Book one below for a time that suits you.

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